Once again I have returned to you after taking an extended vacation. I used to write about girls as if they were the only thing that mattered in my life. It seems like they did. I'm starting to realize that they are not the answer. What is the Answer? I'm thinking it has to be leaning toward God. I have destroyed him for quite awhile but it appears he was never far away. I am going to have to let my ego and mind go before I'll ever have a chance at true happiness. Something deeper than all this B.S. Survival aint it because were all going at one point or the other. If it today or days years whatever, it is inevitable and whose life will be better from knowing me. I want it to be everyone. I am going to start with myself. Till tommorow----------
Do not be afraid of sudden terror, of the ruin of the wicked when it comes; For the LORD will be your confidence, and will keep your foot from the snare. Proverbs 3:25-26
“I wish it need not have happened in my time,’ said Frodo. ‘So do I,’ said Gandalf, ‘and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” ~Lord of the Rings You can feel it in the air, something big is coming. The whole world is groaning in distress. The forces of evil are everywhere, Black Masses, ISIS, Terror Threats, Disasters, suicides, should you be cringing in terror! Never! Your mission is to always stay with Jesus, stay close to Him no matter what happens. If you are far away now is the time to return before it is too late. Behold, now is a very acceptable time; behold, now is the day of salvation. 2 Corinthians 6:2 I recommend that you start with a short daily prayer that will give you the grace to convert, repent, return to the Lord with all your heart. That powerful prayer is a Decade a Day, Only One Our Father and Ten Hail Mary's will begin to open your heart to God's Grace again and give you the strength to confess your sins. To learn how to Pray a Decade a Day go here: http://www.thepoweroftherosary.com/a-decade-a-day.html If you are committed to praying at least a Decade a Day I recommend you join the Decade a Day Disciples where over 600 people will pray for your intentions everyday! It is powerful to pray in 3D! http://www.thepoweroftherosary.com/decade-a-day-disciples.html With prayer you will be able to know your sins and come back to Confession especially if it has been a long time. Cleanse thy soul and you will have the courage to face the dangers that are coming soon. Here is a wonderful story that displays that: The Capture of a Slave Ship Some years ago a British warship had orders to watch for slavers, which were said to be plying their barbarous trade on the African coast. One of these was sighted but, disregarding the signals to come to, managed to round a promontory and get into shallow water. A launch was ordered to follow and, if possible, capture her. The command was given to a young lieutenant, who boarded the enemy ship under a hail of bullets. A desperate fight ensued with the crew, which were composed of fierce desperadoes. The young commander behaved with conspicuous bravery and succeeded against heavy odds in securing the prize. On his return to England he was rewarded with a captaincy. Replying to a speech at his old school, he said : Gentleman, I scarcely merit the praise you bestow me. Though aware of my danger , I can’t say I felt any fear. I was at confession a few days before and knew that I was aright. Extracted from Fr. Paul O'Sullivan, O.P., THE SECRET OF CONFESSION, Tan Books To learn more about Confession read this wonderful article:http://www.thefourmen.info/the-forty-days-of-boot-camp/the-thirty-sixth-day-of-the-four-men-boot-camp After confession, you should return to the Holy Eucharist. It is Beyond Powerful! Making really good Communions often is the best way to make sure you will die happy and save your soul.~Saint John Bosco Learn more on Holy Communion here: http://www.thefourmen.info/the-forty-days-of-boot-camp/the-thirty-fourth-day-of-the-four-men-boot-camp So now that you have the basic tools to not fear the coming sudden terror, use them everyday. Also follow the Spirit as it leads you to your next step. You must be prepared as best you can for whatever comes. The most important preparation is to remain calm. You are in God's hands. If he calls you home you are ready. You go triumphantly to meet the Lord. If you make it through the coming storm continue to pray and fast for Peace and that the whole world will be converted. As Pope Francis said, "How good, how beautiful it would be if we loved one another as real brothers and sisters." Here is a beautiful way to help that happen: http://www.theadoptionmovement.com/ If you already pray a five decade Rosary everyday consider joining the End of Abortion Movement:The Rosary is the Key. All you have to do is add the intentions of the end of abortion, contraception and euthanasia to your daily Rosary. Through the Power of the Rosary we will end this abomination. Sign up here: http://www.theendofabortionmovement.com/join-the-movement.html Lastly if you are a Catholic Man consider becoming a God's Marine. Our Mission is to "Never leave a Soul Behind" and you can be sure it will include yours. Sign up today: http://www.thefourmen.info/ SHARE THIS WITH ALL THOSE WHO ARE OPEN TO JESUS! Psalm 37:3-4,5-6,27-28,39-40 R. (39a) The Salvation Of The Just Comes From The Lord. Trust in the LORD and do good, that you may dwell in the land and be fed in security. Take delight in the LORD, and he will grant you your heart’s requests. R. The salvation of the just comes from the Lord. Commit to the LORD your way; trust in him, and he will act. He will make justice dawn for you like the light; bright as the noonday shall be your vindication. R. The salvation of the just comes from the Lord. Turn from evil and do good, that you may abide forever; For the LORD loves what is right, and forsakes not his faithful ones. Criminals are destroyed and the posterity of the wicked is cut off. R. The salvation of the just comes from the Lord. The salvation of the just is from the LORD; he is their refuge in time of distress. And the LORD helps them and delivers them; he delivers them from the wicked and saves them, because they take refuge in him. R. The salvation of the just comes from the Lord. Extracted for The Way by St. Jose Escriva
Don't you long to shout to those youths who are bustling around you: FOOLS! Leave those wordly things that shackle the heart and very often degrade it.... Leave all that and come with us in search of Love! You lack drive...That's why you sway so few. You don't seem very convinced of what you gain by giving up the things of the earth for Christ. REMEMBER: "A hundredfold and life everlasting!" Would you call that a poor bargain? "Put out into the deep!" Cast aside pessimism that makes a coward of you, "and lower your nets for a catch." Don't you see that, as Peter said, "At Thy word I will lower the net," you can say, "Jesus, in your name I seek souls!" Winning new apostles. It's the unmistakeable sign of true zeal. To sow. The sower went out...Scatter the seed, apostolic soul. The wind of grace will bear it away if the furrow where it falls is not worthy...Sow, and be certain that the seed will take root and bear fruit. By good example good seed is sown; and charity compels us all to sow. Yours is only a small love if you are not zealous for the salvation of all souls. Yours is only a poor love if you are not eager to inflame other apostles with your madness. "The harvest indeed is great, but the laborers are few." Rogate ergo! "Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers into the vineyard." Prayer is the most effective means of winning other apostles. Through the world still echoes that divine cry: "I have come to cast fire upon the earth, and what will I but that it be kindled?" And you see: it has nearly all died out.... Don't you want to spread the blaze? I've been told that you have the knack of drawing souls to your way. It is a gift to thank God for: to be an instrument for seeking instruments! There is a brilliant man whom you long to draw to your apostolate; there is another, a man of great influence; and a third, full of prudence and virtue. Pray, offer sacrifices, and work on them with your word and example. They don't come! Don't lose your peace: it's because they are not needed. Do you think there were no brilliant and influential and prudent and virtuous contemporaries of Peter outside the apostolate of the first twelve? Help me to cry: Jesus, souls! Apostolic souls! They are for You, for Your glory. You'll see how in the end He will hear us. Listen, where you are...mightn't there be one or two, who could understand us well? Tell him-yes, that one-that I need fifty men who love Jesus Christ above all things. You tell me of a certain friend of yours that he frequents the sacraments, that he is clean-living and a good student...but that he won't respond. When you speak to him of sacrifice and apostolate, he grows sad and tries to avoid you. Don't let it worry you. It's not a failure of your zeal. It is, to the letter, the scene related by the Evangelist: "If thou wilt be perfect, go sell what thou hast and give to the poor" (sacrifice), "and come follow me" (apostolate). The young man also abiit tristis --"went away sad." He was not willing to correspond to grace. "Some good news: a new 'madman' for the 'asylum'. ....And all is excitement in the "fisherman's" letter. May God make your nets really effective! Winning others. Who does not hunger to perpetuate his apostolate? That burning desire to win fellow-apostles is a sure sign of your dedication. Do everything for Love. In that way there will be no little things: everything will be big. Perserverance in the little things for Love is heroism. Daily reading of the Word of God is the Our Sword.
And take unto you the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit (which is the word of God). Ephesians 6:17 For the word of God is living and effectual, and more piercing than any two edged sword; and reaching unto the division of the soul and the spirit, of the joints also and the marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Hebrews 4:12 'All Scripture, inspired by God, is profitable to teach, to reprove, to correct, to instruct in justice' II Tim 3:16 'Ignorance of Scriptures is Ignorance of Christ' In Is. Prologue St. Jerome 'The Scriptures are enough for instruction." Vita S. Antoni 16 St. Anthony of Egypt 'It believes also the Holy Scriptures, old and new, which we call canonical, and which are the source of the faith by which the just lives...' De Civ. Dei 19,18 St. Augustine 'Nothing must be taught without the Sacred Scriptures' PG 33,476-7 St. Cyril of Jerusalem 'Everything in the divine Scriptures is clear and straightforward; they inform us about all that is necessary' Epis 2 ad Thess 3,4 St. John Chrysostom “To become adult Christians you must learn familiarity with the scriptures” [On the Letter to the Ephesians - Education of Children.] St. John Chrysostom “But what is the answer to these charges? ‘I am not,’ you will say, ‘one of the monks, but I have both a wife and children, and the care of a household.’ This is what has ruined everything, your thinking that the reading of scripture is for monks only, when you need it more than they do. Those who are placed in the world, and who receive wounds every day have the most need of medicine. So, far worse even than not reading the scriptures is the idea that they are superfluous. Such things were invented by the devil.” (St. John’s Second Homily on Matthew section 10 (which is sometimes labeled as section 5.) ] St. John Chrysostom “The Emperor of heaven, the Lord of men and of angels, has sent you His epistles for your life’s advantage—and yet you neglect to read them eagerly. Study them, I beg you, and meditate daily on the words of your Creator. Learn the heart of God in the words of God, that you may sigh more eagerly for things eternal, that your soul may be kindled with greater longings for heavenly joys.” [Letters, 5, 46. (EnchBibl 31)] Pope St. Gregory I “The person who thirsts for God eagerly studies and meditates on the inspired Word, knowing that there, he is certain to find the One for whom he thirsts.” [Commentary on the Song of Songs, Sermon 23:3.] St. Bernard of Clairvaux “It can hardly be necessary for us to remind you, beloved brethren, that the most highly valued treasure of every family library, and the most frequently and lovingly made use of, should be the Holy Scriptures.... We hope that no family can be found amongst us without a correct version of the Holy Scriptures.” Third Council of Baltimore “Nothing would please us more than to see our beloved children form the habit of reading the Gospels - not merely from time to time, but every day.” Pope St. Pius X 30 Q: Why may we only read translations of the Bible approved by the Church? A: We may only read translations of the Bible approved by the Church because she alone is the lawful guardian of the Bible. 31 Q: Through which means can we know the true meaning of the Holy Scripture? A: We can only know the true meaning of Holy Scripture through the Church's interpretation, because she alone is secure against error in that interpretation. — Catechism of Pope Saint Pius X: On the Virtues and Vices: On Holy Scripture “Our one desire for all the Church's children is that, being saturated with the Bible, they may arrive at the all surpassing knowledge of Jesus Christ.” Pope Benedict XV If you do not use the Sword of God's Marines it is useless. You must pick up the Sword (The Word of God) everyday and use it. You will never regret it and will ever rejoice in the time spent getting to know Jesus through His inspired Word. Keep up the Great Work! Yes, the Almighty is infinitely patient with His wayward, sinful children. They are weak. He is fully aware of their weaknesses, but He offers them such strength, such grace, such help that whatever sin they have committed, they must confess it as being fully and entirely due to their own deliberate fault.
These aids are, firstly, to ask Him by prayer for help. In return, He promises to give them everything they require. What could be easier? Secondly, He counsels them to apply His Precious Blood to their souls by frequent Confession. Then they will triumph over all difficulties. Thirdly, He invites them to receive Him often in the Blessed Eucharist, with all the graces He then bestows. What could be more delightful than to receive the God of infinite sweetness and mercy and love into their souls? But what does He ask them to do? Simply to act as good sons to the best of Fathers, to do their duty, to fulfill their obligations. He asks them to be just and upright and pure; not to steal nor kill nor do evil. In a word, He bids them be honest, respectable men and women, not criminals, nor lawbreakers. Could He do more for us? Could He ask less of us? Confession can cure all sins, but it has a most especial power in eradicating impurity, in healing weak fallen nature and in restoring to man his native strength and purity. One can never repeat too often that Confession was given not only to pardon sin, but to cure it, to drag it out by the roots from the soul. Therefore, frequent Confession-weekly Confession is the great bulwark against sin! Priests can never insist too much with their penitents, young and old, on the necessity of going to weekly Confession. Mothers and fathers, and teachers of every kind, should do everything in their power to induce children to make a lifelong practice of frequent Confession. The writer has conferred with many experienced confessors, and all, without exception, agree that no vice is so gross, so deep-rooted, so vicious that it will not yield to frequent Confession-----all the more so since, after Confession, the penitents receive God Himself in Holy Communion. Fr. Paul O'Sullivan, O.P., THE SECRET OF CONFESSION, Tan Books, pp. 76-78; 92-93. My Brothers Frequent Confession will ensure that you, "Never Leave A Soul Behind" especially yours At first it seems like flattery, it is not. What is the Great Work that we should be keeping up. The work is the effort to Bring Souls to Jesus. We either bring them to Jesus or we take them away. Those of us who are on a mission to Bring Souls to Jesus understand how great of a work this is. There is nothing more important in this life to do than to save your soul and help others to save theirs as well.
"Man is successful in this world if he saves his soul and is very knowledgeable if he knows the science of salvation; but he is a total failure if he loses his soul and knows nothing if he is ignorant of those things that can assure him of eternal salvation." St. John Bosco James 5:20 is one of the simplest ways to get to heaven. Bring a soul to Jesus and you ensure your own salvation. “Whoever brings back a sinner will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.” (James 5:20). If this is not a great work what is! Great in the sense that the work lasts forever. Great in the sense that it is an infinitly good thing to help someone save their soul. Great in the honor, Great in the Glory, Great in every sense of the word Great. Any work for God is great but there are degrees of holiness to which the work entails. This work is the Greatest. The work of bringing souls to Jesus. “There is nothing more holy in this world than to work for the good of souls, for whose salvation Jesus Christ poured out the last drops of His Blood.” St John Bosco As members of the Four Men prayer groups and one of God's Marines you will be doing a Great Work. Thus, I repeat to you again, Keep up the Great Work! "Zeal for the salvation of souls is of so great a merit before God, that to give up all our goods to the poor, or to spend our whole life in the exercises of all sorts of austerities cannot equal the merit of it. There is no service more agreeable to God than this one. To employ one's life in this blessed labor is more pleasing to the Divine Majesty than to suffer martyrdom. Would you not feel happy if you could spend large sums of money in corporal works of mercy? But know that he who labors for the salvation of souls does far more; nay, the zeal of souls is of far greater merit before God . . . than the working of miracles." St. John Chrysostom “Take this Scapular, it shall be a sign of salvation, a protection in danger and a pledge of peace. Whosoever dies wearing this Scapular shall not suffer eternal fire.” - This is Mary’s promise made July 16, 1251 to Saint Simon Stock.
All soldiers wear dog tags to identify them in case of emergency. God's soldiers are no different especially God's Marines. They must also be able to be readily identified both by other human beings and by spiritual beings as well. While normal Dog Tags offer no protection for the wearer. God's Marines Soul Tags offers many physical and spiritual protections. The Soul Tags are the Brown Scapular and below is a sermon outlining it's many physical and spiritual benefits, The Wonders of the Brown Scapular A Sermon Delivered by Fr. James McGilloway, CMRI http://www.cmri.org/05-brownscap.html One of the Catholic practices often criticized by non-Catholics and misunderstood even by many of the faithful is the wearing of the Brown Scapular. At first glance it might seem that this practice is presumptuous, and perhaps to some non-Catholics, even superstitious. So, especially for the sake of those who are not familiar with this sacramental, and to refresh the memories of those who are, I will speak briefly today about the origin, purpose and privileges of the Brown Scapular. First of all, what is the origin of the Brown Scapular? In 1251 Simon Stock was the superior general of the Carmelites. This religious order had been undergoing persecution, and he had been praying for some time to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Patroness of the order, for help and protection. In answer to his prayer, Our Lady appeared to him on July 16, 1251, holding in her hand a garment called a scapular, a word which comes from the Latin word scapula, for shoulder. To Simon Stock, who is now a canonized saint, the Blessed Virgin said: “Take, beloved son, this scapular of thy Order as a badge of my confraternity, and for thee and for all Carmelites, a sign of grace. Whoever dies in this garment will not suffer everlasting fire. It is a sign of salvation, a safeguard in dangers, a pledge of peace and of the covenant.” The garment Our Lady gave St. Simon Stock was the size that the members of our religious congregation wear as part of our habit, reaching from the shoulders down nearly to the feet. The Catholic Church has since reduced the size of the scapular, as most of you know, to a very small size so that everyone can easily wear it over their shoulders under their clothing. But, as this promise was made only to the members of St. Simon Stock’s order, how can we, who are not Carmelites, receive the fulfillment of this promise? We can have a priest enroll us in the Confraternity of the Brown Scapular. This is done in a short ceremony in which any baptized Catholic who wishes to wear the Brown Scapular can become associated with the Carmelite Order, and thereby qualify to receive the fulfillment of the Blessed Virgin Mary’s promise. As I mentioned already, this promise — namely, that whoever dies wearing this garment will not suffer eternal fire — may sound rather presumptuous. It may even seem to contradict what Jesus says in today’s Gospel: “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven shall enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 7:21). Does the scapular promise mean that we can do our own will rather than God’s will? that we can live a sinful and worldly life and trust that we will go to heaven when we die because we wear the Brown Scapular? No, not at all. First of all, if a Catholic chooses to wear the Brown Scapular, day in and day out, it should be an outward sign of his or her trust in the Blessed Virgin Mary. Such a one should be confident that Our Lady will use her powerful intercession with her Divine Son Jesus to obtain for him special graces to live a good Catholic life and remain in the state of grace. In fact, Pope Pius XII said that wearing the Brown Scapular should be an outward sign of one’s consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary, indicating that the one wearing the Scapular has a childlike dependence upon the Blessed Virgin as a model of virtue and as an intercessor, trusting that she will obtain special graces for him to live a virtuous life and especially to avoid mortal sin. Secondly, this promise means that at the hour of death, if we are wearing the Brown Scapular, our Blessed Mother will intercede with God to obtain the graces we need to remain in the state of grace in God’s friendship so that we can save our souls. Or, if we have the misfortune of being in the state of sin, she will intercede for us that we might receive the Holy Ghost and sanctifying grace back into our soul before we die. Perhaps she will obtain for us the grace to make a perfect act of contrition, or she may obtain from God’s Providence an arrangement such that a priest will come to hear our confession and perhaps even administer the sacrament of Extreme Unction before we die. A critical or skeptical person might say, “Well, that sounds fine in theory, but what proof is there that it actually works that way in practice?” Actually, there are many stories that have been recorded and approved by the Church as worthy of belief that verify the truth of this promise. I will tell you about a few of these cases. Back in the 1950’s in Ashtabula, Ohio (not far from my parish in Akron), a Catholic wearing the Brown Scapular was run over by a train and was cut in two. Yet somehow this man did not die right away, and a priest who was summoned came and heard his confession. The man then died. Apparently this happened because the man, who was wearing the Brown Scapular, needed to be absolved that he might save his soul according to Our Lady’s promise. There is also a story of a young lady who made it a practice to wear the Brown Scapular, but began living a life of sin. Eventually she despaired of God’s mercy, and decided to kill herself. She threw herself into a river, hoping to drown. God in His Providence, however, because she was still wearing the Brown Scapular, arranged for a fisherman to see her. The man came quickly and tried to help her, but in her despair she refused his help. In the struggle she tore off the scapular and, throwing it away from herself, she then drowned. In France, a fallen-away Catholic, an officer in the armed forces, had lived a sinful life and lay dying in a hospital. When he became unconscious, one of the attendants placed a Brown Scapular on him. When he regained consciousness and found the scapular around his neck, he cried out, “Why have you put fire on me? It’s burning me! Take it away! Take it away!” At that point he tore it off and soon died. These last two stories from the book Purgatory by Fr. Shouppe show us that if someone wearing the Brown Scapular at the hour of death is not repentant of mortal sin and not willing to cooperate with grace to be truly sorry for mortal sin, God, through the prayers of the Blessed Virgin Mary, will make sure that somehow the scapular is removed before that person dies. Many Catholics, even among those who wear the Brown Scapular, are not aware of the second part of the Blessed Virgin Mary’s promise, namely that the scapular will be “a safeguard in danger.” Apparently the dangers referred to are not only those of a spiritual nature, but temporal or physical as well. Again, let us look at a few examples that illustrate this. In the 1950’s in Germany a fire broke out in a residential neighborhood. One house after another caught on fire, to the point that within five hours 22 homes had burned to the ground. Only one remained untouched. Why? Because when the fire was approaching a member of that household took a Brown Scapular and fastened it to the front door of the house. The fire literally went around this house. People were amazed to see this one house standing untouched while 22 others around it were reduced to smoking rubble. In 1845 an English ship crossing the Atlantic Ocean was on the point of being sunk by a hurricane. A young Irishman on board, upon seeing the danger the ship was in, took off his Brown Scapular and threw it into the huge waves. Immediately the wind ceased and the waves became calm. Another wave washed the Brown Scapular back onto the deck. A Protestant minister and his wife who were present asked the young man what it was that he threw into the ocean. This was the beginning of their conversion to the Catholic Faith. There is another account of a priest who was offering Mass when a maniac with a gun came into the church and shot at him. The priest continued offering Mass, and everyone assumed the man had missed. After Mass, when the priest took off his vestments, he found the bullet embedded in his Brown Scapular. Finally, in the area of spiritual dangers, a holy Frenchman named Francis Ypes — in fact he is called Venerable by the Church — one day dropped his scapular. The devil appeared to him howling, saying “Take it off! Take off the habit which snatches so many souls from us!” The devil then admitted that there were three things he feared: the Holy Name of Jesus, the Holy Name of Mary, and the Brown Scapular. I hope that this information and these examples will motivate you to wear the Brown Scapular if you do not already do so. And if you do wear it, I hope that it will motivate you to wear it with greater trust and confidence and dependence upon the Blessed Virgin Mary, your spiritual Mother. If you faithfully wear the Brown Scapular throughout life and at the hour of death, you will understand more clearly why we address the Blessed Virgin in the Salve Regina with these words: “Hail Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy! Hail our life, our sweetness, and our hope! Turn then thine eyes of mercy towards us, and after this our exile show unto us the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.” In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. “Wear the Scapular devoutly and perseveringly. It is my garment. To be clothed in it means you are continually thinking of me, and I in turn, am always thinking of you and helping you to secure eternal life.” - Our Lady of Mt Carmel If you need to be enrolled print out this form and ask your local Priest to enroll you. http://www.freebrownscapular.com/brown_scapular_enrollment.html Always wear your Soul Tags(Brown Scapular) to be readily identified as one of God's Marines. "Never Leave a Soul Behind" Keep up the Great Work! Big Brother #2 The Original Four Men prayer group was formed around 32 AD and was the Four Men in Mark’s Gospel who brought their paralytic friend to Jesus for healing. (Mark 2:3-5) The Second Four Men prayer group began with an inspiration from the Holy Spirit while praying the Rosary everyday. During the Rosary tape I had they would quote various scriptures pertaining to the mystery. The third Luminous mystery stood out in particular and the quote that would be repeated everyday when I prayed was from the Book of Mark chapter 2 verse 3-5 about the First Four Men prayer group. They brought their paralytic friend to Jesus for a healing and they let nothing stop them from achieving their goal. The crowds, the looks, even the removal of a roof did not stop them. They would get their friend to Jesus no matter what. Jesus seeing their faith forgave the paralytic his sins and also healed him. Four friends doing what friends do, help each other. The best way to be a friend is to bring a friend to Jesus, the True friend of us all. At the same time I read the story of Venerable Anne De Guigne who was a young girl who would pray and sacrifice to obtain the conversion of sinners. She would not give up until the sinner was converted. She had a holy tenacity to obtain the graces from God to convert sinners. Anyone who has ever been converted from sin looks back on their conversion and realizes that someone must have been praying and sacrificing to obtain that grace. Grace must have been obtained to open the eyes and ears where before they were closed. An inspiration came to me that many four men prayer groups should be formed to bring souls to Jesus just like the first four men prayer group. These prayer groups would not only help save paralytics souls through prayer and sacrifice they would also save their own. Read James 5:20 to understand this principle. The paralytics would be those who could not get to Jesus on their own. They need help, the further away from Jesus the better. We began our prayers together spiritually on September 15, 2004 and have been doing our best to remember our daily prayers and make sacrifices to bring our souls to Jesus everyday. Through the grace of God we shall continue to bring souls to Jesus so that we shall, "Never Leave a Soul Behind." Keep up the Great work! Big Brother#2 Luke 5: 17 - 26
On one of those days, as he was teaching, there were Pharisees and teachers of the law sitting by, who had come from every village of Galilee and Judea and from Jerusalem; and the power of the Lord was with him to heal. And behold, men were bringing on a bed a man who was paralyzed, and they sought to bring him in and lay him before Jesus; but finding no way to bring him in, because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and let him down with his bed through the tiles into the midst before Jesus. And when he saw their faith he said, "Man, your sins are forgiven you." And the scribes and the Pharisees began to question, saying, "Who is this that speaks blasphemies? Who can forgive sins but God only?" When Jesus perceived their questionings, he answered them, "Why do you question in your hearts? Which is easier, to say, `Your sins are forgiven you,' or to say, `Rise and walk'? But that you may know that the Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins" -- he said to the man who was paralyzed -- "I say to you, rise, take up your bed and go home." And immediately he rose before them, and took up that on which he lay, and went home, glorifying God. And amazement seized them all, and they glorified God and were filled with awe, saying, "We have seen strange things today." This is the second "Four Men" reading from the Gospel and is important because it shows that prayers and sacrifices for the conversion of a sinner(paralytic) will affect many others as well. Your paralytics, will glorify God and help others to be saved just like you are beginning to do now. Also amazement will seize everyone who knows the paralytic once he/she is healed(Spiritually or Physically) and converted. Everyone who knows the paralytic and sees the change will glorify God and will be filled with awe saying, "We have seen strange things today." As part of the Four Men prayer groups you will be able to help many more souls than just your paralytics. Praise Jesus Keep up the Great Work, the work of bringing souls to Jesus, Big Brother #2 http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703562404575067550355712126.html
From the article, "But next to him was Cpl. Christopher Ahrens, who quietly mentioned that two bullets had grazed his helmet the day the Marines attacked Marjah. The same thing, he said, happened to him three times in firefights in Iraq. Cpl. Ahrens, 26, from Havre de Grace, Md., lifted the camouflaged cloth cover on his helmet, exposing the holes where the bullets had entered and exited. He turned it over to display the picture card tucked inside, depicting Michael the Archangel stamping on Lucifer's head. "I don't need luck," he said. You do not need luck, you need the protection of God's Greatest Angel. Saint Michael, God Greatest angel, you gave God the glory, God gave you the power to defeat His enemies, especially Satan, rise with your legion of angels and defend us. Praise Jesus, Send and post this to whomever needs the protection of God's greatest Angel especially our brave soldiers and police officers. |
AuthorThe Founder Brian Kiczek(The Rosary Doctor) is a dedicated Catholic who is working to Seek First the Kingdom God in all that he does. He started the second Four Men Prayer Group on September 15th, 2004 on Our Lady of Sorrows Feast Day. Since then he continues to strive to Bring Souls to Jesus especially through the Four Men Prayer Groups. Archives
February 2015