Our Strength (The Bread of Life)
"The Mass is the most perfect form of prayer!" (Pope Paul VI)
"The celebration of Holy Mass is as valuable as the death of Jesus on the cross." (St. Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church)
"The heavens open and multitudes of angels come to assist in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass." "It is most true that he who attends holy Mass shall be freed from many evils and from many dangers, both seen and unseen." (St. Gregory,Doctor of the Church)
"He who devoutly hears holy Mass will receive a great vigor to enable him to resist mortal sin, and there shall be pardoned to him all venial sins which he may have committed up to that hour." "He [who attends Mass with all possible devotion] shall be freed from sudden death, which is the most terrible stroke launched by the Divine Justice against sinners. Behold a wonderful preservative against sudden death." (St. Augustine, Doctor of the Church)
"Without doubt, the Lord grants all favors which are asked of Him in Mass, provided they be fitting for us; and, which is a matter of great wonder, ofttimes He also grants that also which is not demanded of Him, if we, on our part, put no obstacle in the way."
(St. Jerome, Doctor of the Church)
St. Teresa, Doctor of the Church Once, St. Teresa was overwhelmed with God's Goodness and asked Our Lord "How can I thank you?" Our Lord replied, "ATTEND ONE MASS."
"Be now confounded for very wonder, reflecting that the proposition just laid down is indeed most true; a soul assisting with adequate devotion at holy Mass renders more honor to God than that which all the Angels and all the Saints put together render with all their adorations."( St. Leonard of Port Maurice)
"If we really understood the Mass, we would die of joy."
"There is nothing so great as the Eucharist. If God had something more precious, He would have given it to us." (St. John Vianney Patron Saint of Parish Priests)
"It would be easier for the world to survive without the sun than to do without Holy Mass." (Blessed Padre Pio, stigmatic priest)
“For each Mass we hear with devotion, Our Lord sends a saint to comfort us at death.”
(Revelation of Christ to St. Gertrude the Great)
Excerpted from Our Ladys Warriors website:
My brothers we should hunger to receive Our Lord in Communion, everyday if possible, so many Graces are their for the asking. The Great Sacrifice of Calvary is being offered near to you. “The graces, blessings and favors granted to those who assist at this Divine Sacrifice are beyond all comprehension. The Mass is the greatest wonder in the world. There is nothing on Earth equal to it, and there is nothing in Heaven greater than it. The Mass is the same as the Sacrifice of Calvary. In every Mass the Blood of Jesus is shed for us again.” (Wonders of the Mass by Fr. Paul O’Sullivan pgs 8-9)
Here is a wonderful story for God’s Marines to take courage,
Simon de Montfort
The famous general and hero, Simon de Montfort, with only 800 horse soldiers and very few foot soldiers, was unexpectedly trapped in the town of Muret by an army of 40,000 men led by the King of Aragon and Raymond the Count of Toulouse, who espoused the cause of Albigensian heretics. He was hearing Mass when his officers came to announce that the besieging army was marching to attack the town. “Let me first finish Mass,” he replied, “and then I will be with you,” He then hastened to where his forces were already gathered together, bade them trust in God, and ordered the gates to be flung open, he charged right at the heart of the approaching army, threw it into utter disorder, struck down the King of Aragon himself and won a glorious victory. (Wonders of the Mass by Fr. Paul O’Sullivan pg 4)
May we also win many glorious victories over our enemies through the Grace of God obtained through receiving Our Lord and Saviour with devotion in the Holy Eucharist.
Another wonderful story
Two businessman resided in the same French town. Both were engaged in the same line of commerce, but while one was prosperous, the other found it very hard to gain a sufficiency, notwithstanding that he worked harder and rose earlier than his friend.
Reduced to extremities, he resolved to seek advice from his prosperous colleague, hoping to learn the secret of his success.
“My good friend,” replied the wealthy merchant, “I have no secrets, I work just as you work. If there is any difference in our methods, it is this: I go to Mass daily. You do not. Follow my sincere advice, hear Mass every morning, and I feel sure that God will bless your work.”
The poorer man did as he was advised, and soon, in some unaccountable way, his difficulties ceased and his business prospered beyond all his expectations. (Wonders of the Mass by Fr. Paul O’Sullivan pg 6-7)
In order to begin well, and to finish better, it is quite necessary to hear mass every day, unless there be some lawful hindrance in the way.~St. Phillip Neri
May God Bless all your work, especially the Great Work of Bringing Souls to Jesus.
Receiving Our Strength (The Bread of Life) everyday will make you strong in the Lord.
If you cannot receive due to duty Our Lord has said you would receive more through Spiritual Communion than if you went in person.
He who abstains from receiving the Body of Christ through obedience and holy discretion, and purely for the glory of God, and who, being inflamed with Divine love, communicates spiritually, merits to receive a benediction like that given to the Saint, and obtain from God more abundant fruit, although the order and secret of this conduct is entirely hidden from the eyes of men.~Jesus to Saint Gertrude
My favorite Spiritual Communion is, "My Jesus, I believe you are present in the Most Blessed Sacrament, please come into my heart, never leave me!"
A great way to keep Our Lord and Savior always present to you is to have a medal of the Holy Eucharist with you at all times. Whenever you look upon it, make a spiritual communion and it is always a silent prayer to Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament!
Here is a powerful one:
Also I have a group called the Daily Communicants that is simple to join and be a part of and the graces are powerful!
Keep up the Great Work!
Next day of Boot Camp:
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