The History of the Second Four Men Prayer Group
Extract from The Life of Venerable Anne de Guigne by Tan Books
"Nothing would stop her," writes Madame de Guigne, "when she meant to save a soul. She would sacrifice herself in countless little ways and never lost a chance of offering something to God for her poor sinner." Of course, Anne was too young to know much of the evil that exists in the world, but she knew it did exist and that nuns often came into contact with these wicked people, so she used to ask them to give her a soul to convert, a really big sinner, preferably. She would then listen gravely till she knew all about her sinner, then with a most businesslike air, she would say firmly: I will see about it, as though she had an understanding with Our Lord on the matter. Nothing discouraged the little apostle. If the sinner was obdurate, she prayed the harder and enlisted the whole family in a crusade of prayer. Resistance roused her zeal and she urged everyone to persevere till they had wretched the grace from God. "We must go on praying, Mother," she said when she heard that an obstinate old man, whose heart was as hard as the mountains amidst which he lived, still persisted in refusing the Sacraments in spite of all their prayers. Anne and her mother were just leaving church when they heard the news, but she wanted to go back and pray some more for her precious sinner. "I am determined that he shall go to confession," she insisted. "Let's go and pray some more." And she won the battle."
Anyone who has ever been converted from sin looks back on their conversion and realizes that someone must have been praying and sacrificing to obtain that grace. Grace must have been obtained to open the eyes and ears where before they were closed.
An inspiration came to me that many four men prayer groups should be formed to bring souls to Jesus just like the first four men prayer group. These prayer groups would not only help save paralytics souls through prayer and sacrifice they would also save their own. Read James 5:20 to understand this principle. The paralytics would be those who could not get to Jesus on their own. They need help, the further away from Jesus the better.
We began our prayers together spiritually on September 15, 2004 and have been doing our best to remember our daily prayers and make sacrifices to bring our souls to Jesus everyday. Through the grace of God we shall continue to bring souls to Jesus so that we shall, "Never Leave a Soul Behind."
Keep up the Great work!
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