Halfway There!
You are Halfway through the Four Men Boot Camp so it is a perfect time to review the major lessons that we have so far learned.
Day 1 Nothing More Holy
"There is nothing more holy in this world than to work for the good of souls, for whose salvation Jesus Christ poured out the last drops of His Blood." St. John Bosco
There is no greater work than this work so keep it up, your halfway there.
Day 2 The Four Men in the Gospel of Luke
And immediately he rose before them, and took up that on which he lay, and went home, glorifying God. And amazement seized them all, and they glorified God and were filled with awe, saying, "We have seen strange things today."
Your paralytics once converted will bring other’s to Jesus.
Day 3 Praying your Daily Four Men Prayers before the Blessed Sacrament
"Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament has His hands full of graces, and He is ready to bestow them on anyone who asks for them,"
- St. Peter of Alcantara
Pray your daily prayers before the Blessed Sacrament either physically, spiritually, or through 24/7 webcam.
I believe when this life is over we will never regret the time spent in prayer and sacrifice for our brothers and sisters in Christ (Our spiritual paralytics).
Pray Early and you will not miss them.
Day 4 Not One of Them is Missing!
He leads out their army and numbers them, calling them all by name. By his great might and the strength of his power not one of them is missing!
As one of God’s Marines you will not be lost, “Never leave a Soul Behind” especially includes yours.
Day 5 Our Weapon (The Rosary)
Nobody who perseveres in saying the Rosary will be damned, because she obtains for her servants the grace of true contrition for their sins and by means of this they obtain God's forgiveness and mercy."
Pray at least Five decades of the Rosary everyday and you will, “Never Leave a Soul Behind”. Pray for the spread of the Four Men Prayer Groups and all our paralytics, healing, conversion, and salvation.
Day 6 Our Special Protector (St. Michael)
Saint Michael, God's Greatest Angel, you gave God the glory, God gave you the power to defeat our enemies, especially Satan. Please place my petition(State your petition) before the throne of God and intercede for me. Saint Michael rise with your legion of angels and defend us.
Saint Michael is God’s Marines special protector, whenever in danger of sin or harm pray to him and you will be helped, miraculously if necessary.
Day 7 What is the Answer?
The Answer is to Love God and Love your Neighbor through Prayer and Sacrifice in order to help them save their souls.
Prayer and sacrifice brings souls to Jesus. Do it everyday and you will be happy and you will know the answer because you live it.
Day 8 The Original Four Men Prayer Group
So the original Four Men prayer group are all in heaven today and we celebrate their joining in the company of Saints. I believe all other Four Men prayer groups will follow the same path to heaven by bringing souls to Jesus,
Bring Souls to Jesus everyday.
Day 9 The Power of Four
In other words, help solve every problem we face - every single one of them--with the Power of Four out of a hundred. Help and we will save the world.
Once your Four Men prayer group is fully formed you will truly realize the Power of Four.
Day 10 Our Model (St. Joseph)
What is crucially important here is the sanctification of daily life, a sanctification which each person must acquire according to his or her own state, and one which can be promoted according to a model accessible to all people: "St. Joseph is the model of those humble ones that Christianity raises up to great destinies;...he is the proof that in order to be a good and genuine follower of Christ, there is no need of great things--it is enough to have the common, simple and human virtues, but they need to be true and authentic."
(Extracted from Redemptoris Custos)
Saint Pope John Paul II
Day 11 Consoling the Heart of Jesus
Jesus thirsts for your love, and He wants your help. Will you help Him? Before you answer, look at how much He has given you. He created you in love, washed away your sins in His blood, clothed you with His divine life, and prepares a place in His Father’s house for you to dwell with Him in joy for all eternity…and there’s more. Jesus wants to share with you His mission. He wants your help in bringing everyone back to His Father. That, too, is His gift to you. Will you accept it? Will you help Him? He’s counting on your help. He needs you.
Day 12 Sister Josefa Description of Hell
"I heard a demon, from whom a soul had escaped, forced to confess his powerlessness. 'Confound it all... how do so many manage to escape me? They were mine' (and he rattled off their sins)... 'I work hard enough, yet they slip through my fingers... Someone must be suffering and repairing for them.”
Prayer and sacrifices saves souls from the Demon’s clutches.
Day 13 Message of Fatima
"Pray, pray very much, and make sacrifices for sinners; for many souls go to hell, because there are none to sacrifice themselves and pray for them."
The Prayer and Sacrifice is the simple way to bring souls to Jesus as well as your own.
Day 14 Bringing Souls to Jesus through the St. Gertrude Prayer
"Eternal Father, I offer Thee the most Precious Blood of Jesus, with all the Masses being said all over the world this day, for the Souls in Purgatory."
Our Lord showed St. Gertrude a vast number of souls leaving Purgatory and going to Heaven as a result of this prayer, which the Saint was accustomed to say frequently during the day.
Taken from the booklet Read Me or Rue It by Fr. Paul O’Sullivan which has the approval of the Cardinal Patriarch of Lisbon, Portugal – March 4, 1936.
Day 15 The True Brotherhood
Those clashes with the world’s selfishness will make you appreciate much more the fraternal charity of your brother-apostles.
Be a brother always and you will find the “True Brotherhood”
Day 16 For Many are Called, but Few are Chosen. (Matthew 22:14)
The Four Men will help you to become among the chosen. It is a way of learning to love prayer and sacrifice. It is a way of becoming one with the mission of Jesus which was to save souls.
Keep marching God Marines and you will wake up one day in heaven.
Day 17 Our Guardian, Brother and Friend
Our Guardian Angels are our most faithful friends, because they are with us day and night, always and everywhere. We ought often to invoke them.~St. John Vianney
“Let’s confide to Our Guardian Angel our pains and sorrows. He is like a friend, like a brother.”~St. Pio
"Take courage and pray; your guardian angel will also pray for you, and your prayers will be answered."- Saint John Bosco
Day 18 Do you Value Grace?
You do know it well enough; you fully believe it. Then, bring that faith into practice.
You will value Grace as God’s Marines live by it and Thirst for Grace to bring souls to Jesus through our prayers and sacrifices and to “Never Leave a Soul Behind”
Day 19 Our Scapular
“Take this Scapular, it shall be a sign of salvation, a protection in danger and a pledge of peace. Whosoever dies wearing this Scapular shall not suffer eternal fire.” - This is Mary’s promise made July 16, 1251 to Saint Simon Stock.
Always wear your scapular so that you get the Graces to Bring Souls to Jesus including your own.
Congratulations you are Halfway there to becoming One of God’s Marines and a member of the Four Men Prayer Groups. Praise Jesus and Keep up the Great Work!
Next Day of the Four Men Boot Camp: