Pure God's Marine!
"More souls go to hell because of sins of the flesh than for any other reason." --Our Lady of Fatima
God gives his hardest battles to his Toughest soldiers.~Saint John Paul II
Purity is the hardest battle to fight nowadays because it is under attack in every area. As a God’s Marine you have to be up for the battle. How can you win? By the Grace of God and the gifts of your common sense. Here are the words of Jesus to convince you of the importance of this fight. Your very soul is at stake:
“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’But I say to you, everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one of your members than to have your whole body thrown into Gehenna. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one of your members than to have your whole body go into Gehenna. “It was also said, ‘Whoever divorces his wife must give her a bill of divorce.’But I say to you, whoever divorces his wife (unless the marriage is unlawful) causes her to commit adultery, and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.~Matthew 5:27-32
“Power is made perfect in weakness…for whenever I am weak, then I am strong.”(2 Cor 12:8-10)
In the warfare of the flesh, only cowards gain the victory; that is to say, those who fly.~St. Phillip Neri
When a person puts himself in an occasion of sin, saying, “I shall not fall, I shall not commit it,” it is an almost infallible sign that he will fall, and with all the greater damage to his soul.~St. Phillip Neri
Humility is the true guardian of chastity.~St. Phillip Neri
When a man has fallen he ought to acknowledge it in some such way as this: “Ah, if I had been humble I should not have fallen!”~St. Phillip Neri
As God’s Marines you should know that you are weak in the area of sexuality. It is God’s Grace that will make you strong. God grace to not look at the pictures or talk to the woman who is trying to lead you down the wrong path. Running may be your best option. I have noticed that playing stupid may be a good option when someone is coming on to you. You have to be willing to avoid the near occasions of sin. That means if the computer is your weakness you must put it in a public place, restrict your access to only business then get off. Idle hands/time is the devil’s plaything. When you are bored do not be around a temptation. Pray instead. Cold shower instead. If you fall Confession!
This article is the best article I have ever read and changed my life forever: http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/resources/life-and-family/sexuality-contraception/the-christian-view-of-sex-and-family-planning/%20%E2%80%A6%20%E2%80%A6
There is no remedy so powerful against the heat of concupiscence as the remembrance of our Savior’s Passion.~St Augustine
"Temptation is necessary to make us realize that we are nothing in ourselves."~St. Josemaria Escriva
If you invoke the Blessed Virgin when you are tempted, she will come at once to your help, and Satan will leave you.~St. John Vianney
The devil generally makes use of the weaker sex when he wishes to cause us to fall.St. Phillip Neri
Offer your temptations for the conversion of sinners. When the devil sees you doing this, he is beside himself with rage and makes off, because then the temptation is turned against himself.~St. John Vianney
Blessed are they who are tempted! It is when the devil sees that a soul is tending towards union with God that he redoubles his efforts. St. John Vianney
"Filthy talk makes us feel comfortable with filthy action. But the one who knows how to control the tongue is prepared to resist the attacks of lust."--St. Clement of Alexandria
"When you have sought the company of a sensual satisfaction, what loneliness afterward!" --St. Josemaria Escriva
"Don't say, 'That's the way I am—its my character.' It's your lack of character. Esto vir!—Be a man!" --St. Josemaria Escriva
”If you desire to be chaste, be retired, be modest, be mortified.” --Saint Leonard of Port Maurice
"Holy Purity is granted by God when it is asked for with humility." --St. Josemaria Escriva
Pray to God for the Gift of purity! Ask Mary our Mother to Help you be pure!
"In the realm of evil thoughts none induces to sin as much as do thoughts that concern the pleasure of the flesh."--St. Thomas Aquinas
The Problem with Pornography is not that it shows too much of the human being but too little~Blessed John Paul II
Pornography is a MAJOR PROBLEM:
Q. What's wrong with looking at pornography? It's not like you are getting a girl pregnant or spreading STDs.
A. The problem with using porn is that it emasculates men, degrades women, destroys marriages, and offends the Lord.
Read this article: http://www.catholicculture.org/culture/library/view.cfm?recnum=8386
"In temptations against chastity, the spiritual masters advise us, not so much to contend with the bad thought, as to turn the mind to some spiritual, or, at least, indifferent object. It is useful to combat other bad thoughts face to face, but not thoughts of impurity."
--St. Alphonsus Liguori
Do not play or think or even toy with the bad thoughts, shift gears with your mind. You cannot play with fire, you will get burnt!
"When you decide firmly to lead a clean life, chastity will not be a burden on you: it will be a crown of triumph." -St. Josemaria Escriva
"Purity is the fruit of prayer."--Blessed Mother Teresa
"Purity prepares the soul for love, and love confirms the soul in purity." --John Henry Cardinal Newman
”The pure soul is a beautiful rose, and the Three Divine Persons descend from Heaven to inhale its fragrance.”--Saint John Marie Vianney
”Chastity is the lily of virtues, & makes men almost equal to Angels. Everything is beautiful in accordance with its purity.~St.Francis Sales
Those whose hearts are pure are the temples of the Holy Spirit.--St. Lucy
If you are pure God dwells within you! POWERFUL!
“Love between man and woman cannot be built without sacrifices and self-denial.” ― Pope John Paul II, Love and Responsibility
"Chastity is a difficult, long term matter; one must wait patiently for it to bear fruit, for the happiness of loving kindness which it must bring. But at the same time, chastity is the sure way to happiness…"Only the chaste man and the chaste woman are capable of true love."--Saint Pope John Paul II
Without Chastity and Purity you will not be happy or have true love in this world or the next.
"When we were little, we kept close to our mother in a dark alley or if dogs barked at us. Now, when we feel temptations of the flesh, we should run to the side of our Mother in Heaven, by realizing how she is to us, and by means of aspirations. She will defend us and lead us to the light."--St. Josemaria Escriva
Therefore, gird up the loins of your mind, live soberly, and set your hopes completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. Like obedient children, do not act in compliance with the desires of your former ignorance but, as he who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in every aspect of your conduct, for it is written, Be holy because I am holy.~1 Peter 1:14-16
To acquire and preserve the virtue of chastity, we have need of a good and experienced confessor.~St. Phillip Neri
In the life of St. Philip Neri, we read that one day a young man who was leading a very impure life came to the saint to confession. St. Philip, knowing that there was no better remedy against concupiscence than the most sacred Body of Jesus Christ, counselled him to frequent the Sacraments. By this means he was in a short time entirely freed from his vicious habits and became pure like an angel.~The Blessed Eucharist by Fr. Michael Muller Tan Books.
Recommendations if you are a single Catholic that believes he is not called to the Priesthood and also believes to be called to Holy Matrimony:
If that is the case I recommend always seeking first the Kingdom of God as therein will lie your happiness always. Have a powerful prayer life of the Rosary and the Blessed Sacrament and hold tight when tempted to your Scapular and Miraculous Medal. While seeking the Kingdom of God you will come across holy single women who are also working for the Glory of God. These are the ones to focus or narrow your search for your holy wife. Running towards God and look to your right or left for a woman who is also running toward God. Those are good choices. As far as dating someone you believe might be a good match. Date with a purpose which is Holy Matrimony. Thus do not be alone with her especially an apartment. You also should make your purpose and intention clear from the start. You are looking for a wife, not a good time. Avoid near occasions of sin always. Save yourself for marriage or prepare yourself for suffering through bad relationships, STD’s, children you cannot see often, or your children aborted.
Date with a Purpose!
I recommend Ave Maria Singles as a good option to put you in communication with Catholic single woman who are working for the Kingdom. Be careful as the Devil loves to use God and Religion attached to a pretty women to trap you. Talk is cheap, Walk the walk of purity and you will never be deceived.
I recommend when you can read the book of Tobit and here is my favorite quote for you to have faith that God has chosen a woman for you.
Do not be afraid, for she was set apart for you before the world was made. You will save her, and she will go with you.~Tobit 6:18
For Priests my recommendation is a Powerful Prayer Life especially the Rosary, Blessed Sacrament, Avoiding near occasions of sin such as internet or woman seeking to trap you. Keep everything in the open and you will not be embarrassed later. The Scapular and Miraculous Medal is something to hold on to when tempted, Mary will strengthen you! Frequent confession!
"To defend his purity, St Francis rolled in the snow, St. Bernard plunged into an icy pond . . You . . what have you done?" --St. Escriva
For a Married God’s Marines: my recommendation is a Powerful Prayer Life especially the Rosary, Blessed Sacrament and I recommend always avoiding near occasions of sin such as internet or woman seeking to trap you. Keep everything in the open and you will not be embarrassed later. The Scapular and Miraculous Medal is something to hold on to when tempted, Mary will strengthen you!
If you are currently practicing NFP keep it up, if you are using contraceptive devices or actions you need to stop and turn to the truth and the Catholic Teaching of NFP. You will not regret it. Contraception leads to divorce and a sad sex life.
Natural family planning (NFP) comprises the family planning methods approved by the RC Church for both achieving and avoiding pregnancy. Natural Family Planning is Easy to use, helps you to be healthy, have more happiness, better marriages, and more love all around. Periodic abstinence is the only method deemed moral by the Catholic Church for avoiding pregnancy. While Catholics made up 24% of the U.S. population in 2002, of reproductive age American women only 1.5% were using periodic abstinence. NFP has unique characteristics not shared by any other method of birth regulation except for abstinence. NFP is "open to life" NFP alters neither the fertility of the woman nor the fecundity of a particular sex act.
NFP is 99 percent effective at preventing pregnancy when properly trained and motivated to follow the rules.~West
Awesome Natural Family Planning APP! http://nfpby.projectcaruso.com/
Marriage is a lifelong, sexual relationship in which spouses are open to the possibility that God may bless them with children.~West
There is no such thing as an "open marriage" the very term is self contradictory~West
Contraception is the key to understanding how far the world has fallen and why.
The Pill is an abortifacient! The IUD is an abortifacient! They change the lining of the uterus so baby can not implant thus aborting him/her
The Link Between Sex and procreation holds the dignity of human life in place. Sever it, and human life is automatically cheapened.~West
Life teaches us, in effect, that love--married love--is the foundation stone of all life~Blessed Pope John Paul II
If you want the most awesome, joy filled Sex possible, open wide the doors to Christ—Including (and especially) the bedroom door.~West
The Joy of Sex in all its grandeur is meant to be the joy of living as God loves, It is meant to be a foretaste in the joys of heaven~West
Sex is Sacred. It is Holy- more so than our fallen passions wish it were to be.~Christopher West
Acceptance of Sex before marriage demonstrates an implicit acceptance of Sex outside of marriage thus higher rates of adultery&Divorce.
To admit the possibility of Divorce is to admit that Christ cannot save us from our sin.~Christopher West
As a Sacrament, Marriage is a true participation in the Love of Christ for His Bride, The Church~West
This is the good news of the gospel. Christ's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit. Now we can love like Jesus loves.
Marriage is where human and Divine Love "Kiss"~West
What Women would not want to be subject to her Husband if he truly took his mission seriously to love her as Christ loved the Church? West
The Abandonment of the Reproductive Function is the Common Feature of all Perversions~Sigmund Freud
Contraception is "the one sin for which the penalty is National Death, Race Death, a sin for which there is no atonement."~Theodore Roosevelt
If the Church is right about contraception, then it's the rest of the world that's "out of touch" and Church gains all credibility here~West
Until 1930 EVERY Christian Denomination was unanimous in it's condemnation of Contraception. The Catholic Church is all that is left now.
If Contraceptive methods becomes the order of the day, nothing but moral degradation can be the result~Gandhi
Moral Results can only be obtained through moral restraints~Gandhi
1 Pray Together
2. Practice NFP when Necessary (less than 2 percent divorce rate)
An act of contracepted relations can never be an act of authentic love. Love is to give ourselves freely, totally, faithfully, fruitfully
Christ assigns as a duty to every man the dignity of every woman: & simultaneously. He also assigns to every woman the dignity of every man.
"There is need for a crusade of manliness & purity to counteract and nullify the savage work of those who think man is a beast.~St. Jose Escriva
She was set apart for you before the world was made.~Tobit 6:18
NFP excludes the use of other methods of birth control, which it refers to as "artificial contraception.
GREAT BOOK! Good News about Sex and Marriage by Christopher West http://www.amazon.com/Good-About-Marriage-Revised-Edition/dp/0867166193
My personal story with purity/immpurity begins as a good Catholic boy who was not warned of the dangers of impurity at a young age and thus fell into it’s trap. I found magazines in the garbage and being a twenty year trial that led me further down the path to hell than most. I eventually had bad relationships that introduced to me the teachings of a powerful atheist and I became an Atheist church/religion hater. I would argue with anyone who believed in God in an effort to take away their faith. I had to destroy all belief in hell because if hell was real I knew I was going there. This impurity weighed me down but God’s grace was always there when I was ready. My first experience of the Power of Grace was when my mother gave me a Miraculous Medal and I was able to stay pure for a whole month by holding the medal when tempted. Then someone had a bad movie in the house and I took off the medal and gave in to the temptation. It took me fifteen long years after that till I would again become pure. After being an atheist for many years I realized how hopeless and immoral it was. I had a choice to become a psychopath who did not believe in any morals or to seek a God who is All-Good. For me it began with believing in karma for I had seen with my own eyes that bad/evil people always got what was coming to them in this life. After that I met my wonderful future wife and loving her made me want to be better. At our wedding I met Father Eric who I arrogantly challenged with some anti-God statements and he laughed and parried my weak efforts. He did not embarrass me but chose a better time in the short future where I was able to listen to the grace of God and the rest is History. One of the articles Father Eric gave me helped me to understand my sin and how far away it led me was this article and it changed my life forever: http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/resources/life-and-family/sexuality-contraception/the-christian-view-of-sex-and-family-planning/%20%E2%80%A6%20%E2%80%A6
After that I have been freed from the sin of impurity mostly by the grace of the Prayer of the Holy Rosary, Scapular/Miraculous Medal, confession and avoiding near occasions of sin. GOD IS GREAT!
Pure God’s Marines!
Mary, my Mother I love you!
For More info on NFP go to: http://www.ccli.org/
“Saint Joseph, father and guardian of virgins, to whose faithful keeping Christ Jesus, innocence Itself, and Mary, the virgin of virgins was entrusted, I pray and beseech you by that twofold and most precious charge, by Jesus and Mary, to save me from all uncleanness, to keep my mind untainted, my heart pure, and my body chaste; and to help me always to serve Jesus and Mary in perfect chastity. Amen.”
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