Final Review
Day 21 Our Sorrowful Mother
"This devotion to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of My Mother will restore faith and hope to broken hearts and to ruined families; it will help to repair the destruction; it will sweeten sorrow. It will be a new strength for My Church, bringing souls, not only to confidence in My Heart, but also to abandonment to the Sorrowful Heart of My Mother." (Our Lord to Berthe Petit)
"I look around at all who are on earth, to see if by chance there are any who pity me, and meditate upon my sorrows; and I find that there are very few. Therefore, my daughter, though I am forgotten by many, at least do thou not forget me; consider my anguish, and imitate, as far as thou canst, my grief."(Our Lady to St. Bridget)
"My daughter, tears shed for My Passion are dear to Me; but as I love My Mother Mary with an immense love, the meditation of the torments which she endured at My death is even more agreeable to Me."(Jesus to Blessed Veronica da Binasco)
I do recommend you also pray the Seven Dolors at other times as well to get more graces for you and yours.
Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary Pray for us!
Day 22 The History of the Second Four Men Prayer Group
“Four friends doing what friends do, help each other. The best way to be a friend is to bring a friend to Jesus, the True friend of us all.”
“An inspiration came to me that many four men prayer groups should be formed to bring souls to Jesus just like the first four men prayer group. These prayer groups would not only help save paralytics souls through prayer and sacrifice they would also save their own.”
Day 23 You Have Not Chosen Me: but I Have Chosen You.
(John 15:16)
God has chosen you! He has Appointed You!
Bring forth fruit that will last forever!
The Fruit is Souls. We must bring souls to Jesus so that they will last with us in heaven forever.
How can we do that?
We must offer prayers and sacrifices for the salvation of souls especially our paralytics everyday.
Day 24 Our Sword (The Word of God)
“Our one desire for all the Church's children is that, being saturated with the Bible, they may arrive at the all surpassing knowledge of Jesus Christ.” Pope Benedict XV
If you do not use the Sword it is useless. You must pick up the Sword (The Word of God) everyday and use it. You will never regret it and will ever rejoice in the time spent getting to know Jesus through His inspired Word.
Day 25 “My name is Jesus just like yours” (Through the Eyes of Jesus by Alan Ames extract)
“Read Scripture daily, pray often, and ask God for the strength to live as He asks you to, and you will find My words will be with you always,” I explained.
“If living a good life means a little suffering then you should know that this suffering will be rewarded when you come to heaven, but if you live a life of self with little suffering on this earth, you will find a different reward awaiting you in eternity. Make God the center of your life and do what would please God, not what pleases man, and then you will be rewarded with eternal joy in heaven.”
Day 26 For whom are we to Pray? Great Sinners for who knows the depths of God's Mercy. (Purgatory Explained Extract by Fr. Schouppe)
"Who then knows the extent of God's mercy ? Who knows the depth
of the ocean, or how much water is contained therein ?
Much will be forgiven to those who have sinned through
“No limit to the grace of God is placed here below; while there remains a spark of life there is nothing which it cannot effect in the soul. Therefore we must ever hope and petition God with humble persistency.”
Let us not think that God delights in our pains; the Lord is not of so cruel a nature as to be delighted to see us, his creatures, groan and suffer. He is a God of infinite goodness, who desires to see us fully content and happy, so that he is full of sweetness, affability, and compassion to all who come to him. But our unhappy condition, as sinners, and the gratitude we owe to the love of Jesus Christ, require that, for his love, we should renounce the delights of this earth, and embrace with affection the cross which he gives us to carry during this life, after him who goes before, bearing a cross far heavier than ours; and all this in order to bring us, after our death, to a blessed life, which will never end.
Day 28 Conversion of Nazis (Extract from the Shadow of His Wings by Fr. Goldmann)
“More important than these material gifts was the fact that these Sisters prayed for the conversion of the prisoners. Day and night they prayed before the Blessed Sacrament for the conversion of the Nazis, not only the Sisters in Midelt, but also those in another convent. Soon we had a dozen convents in North Africa praying and making sacrifices for our camp. In the face of such storming of heaven, many men lost all resistance, expelled the unbelief and paganism of the Nazi credo from their hearts, and accepted belief in God; after some months of prodding they came to confession and received their second First Holy Communion.”
Day 29 Keep up the Great Work!
If this is not a great work what is! Great in the sense that the work lasts forever. Great in the sense that it is an infinitly good thing to help someone save their soul. Great in the honor, Great in the Glory, Great in every sense of the word Great. Any work for God is great but there are degrees of holiness to which the work entails. This work is the Greatest. The work of bringing souls to Jesus.
Day 30 The Power of Fasting and Sacrifice
"Fasting is better than prayer." (Saint Clement)
I recommend you fast if you can without major health deficiencies at least once a week from 6am-1pm. I also fast on bread and water once a month for my wife as a member of
and excellent website to teach the power of fasting. I have fasted for my wife over five years and she has come much closer to the Lord I believe through the power of fasting. Fasting is powerful!
Keep up the Great Work using the Power of Fasting and Sacrifice!
Day 31 Jesus' Favorites, (Extract from Devotion to the Dying by Ven. Mary Potter)
“Yes! We may well speak confidently to God, since in offering the Precious Blood, we have more than paid the debt of our own sins; in one sense we indeed owe God nothing-----Jesus has more than paid for us-----we offer Jesus in satisfaction for our sins; we offer the Eternal Father Infinite satisfaction for finite sin. Ah, then, let us plead with the good God Who so loves the bold prayer, Who so loves the charity that prompts it. Ah, what will not charity do? What can it not do? Let us fill our hearts full of that dear, dear virtue.”
Let us with bold confidence bring our paralytics to Jesus for their healing, conversion, and salvation and thus become Jesus' favorites. Bold confidence in His Love and Mercy.
Day 32 Victory is to “Love your Enemies”
To “Love Your Enemy” is to find it in your heart to put aside any wrongs, and to love them as a child of God and see them as our brothers and sisters who were created by the same Father in Heaven and for whom Jesus Himself gave up His life on the cross.
So my brothers, love your enemy because those who deserve love least, need it most. Hate not your enemy, life is too short for hate; and think of no revenge, and if you want to take any revenge at all, remember that the noblest revenge is to forgive and to love.
Evil can only be overcome with love. Let us forgive and pray for our brothers and sisters who trespass against us for the Glory of God and the salvation of their souls and our own.
Day 33 True Devotion to Our Mother Mary
As God’s Marines are Mission is to Bring Souls to Jesus. We have learned that to do that we must bring ourselves to Jesus as well. There is no better way to bring ourselves to Jesus than through Mary Our Heavenly Mother.
“We are given reason to believe that, towards the end of time and perhaps sooner than we expect, God will raise up people filled with the Holy Spirit and imbued with the spirit of Mary. Through them Mary, Queen most powerful, will work great wonders in the world, destroying sin and setting up the kingdom of Jesus her Son upon the RUINS of the corrupt kingdom which is this great earthly Babylon. (Rev. 18:20) These holy people will accomplish this by means of this very devotion, of which I have only traced the main outlines. It suffers from my incompetence.” St. Louis De. Montfort
Day 34 Our Strength (The Bread of Life)
My brothers we should hunger to receive Our Lord in Communion, everyday if possible, so many Graces are there for the asking. The Great Sacrifice of Calvary is being offered near to you. “The graces, blessings and favors granted to those who assist at this Divine Sacrifice are beyond all comprehension. The Mass is the greatest wonder in the world. There is nothing on Earth equal to it, and there is nothing in Heaven greater than it. The Mass is the same as the Sacrifice of Calvary. In every Mass the Blood of Jesus is shed for us again.” (Wonders of the Mass by Fr. Paul O’Sullivan pgs 8-9)
Receiving Our Strength(The Bread of Life) everyday will make you strong in the Lord.
Day 35 Our Best Friend (The Holy Spirit)
What a joy it would be to them if at night when they awaken, and sometimes when they remain awake for hours at a time, they spoke lovingly to Him and enjoyed His presence.
And again how consoling for the sick, when suffering and alone, if they felt that the Holy Ghost Himself was really and truly with them. They never perhaps heard of this beautiful doctrine.”
What to do my brothers? Never forget your Best friend. It is important to talk with your Best Friend, spend time with Him, ask Him for the greatest gift He can give you. The gift of Holy Love for with the Gift of Love we can obtain all else besides.
Day 36 Our Peace (Confession)
St. Francis de Sales said, “Go to your confessor; open your heart to him; display to him all the recesses of your soul; take the advice that he will give you with the utmost humility and simplicity. For God, Who has an infinite love for obedience, frequently renders profitable the counsels we take from others, but especially from those who are the guides of our souls."
So, my brothers go to confession often, if you can at least once a month and meet the God of Mercy and obtain pardon.
Day 37 Peace, Faith, Hope, & Love = Four Friends
Peace, Faith, Hope, and Love, the paralytics four friends jumped into action and did the impossible. When you have peace of mind, you can think clearly. When you have faith, all things are possible. When you have hope, you can make things happen. And when you have love, love conquers all. And conquer they did, for Jesus, after watching the four men slowly lower their friend from the publican's roof, where they had made a hole to lower the paralytic. Jesus saw their Peace of heart, Faith, Hope, and Love, and told the paralytic, rise and walk, your sins are forgiven.
Day 38 The Need for Ongoing Conversion
"We have no right to rest as long as a single soul is satan's slave." (St. Maximillian Kolbe)
My brothers, seeking God and our salvation does not end at the time of our conversions or when we finish the Four Men Boot Camp, but continues throughout our lives. We must try to get to know and love God each day more and more. We need to ask for all the graces necessary for our state in life to love HIM with all of heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love our neighbor as ourselves. We need to do the Will of Our Father in Heaven. He wills for all of us to be saved. We must acquire a hatred for sin. and pray for the graces necessary to avoid sin. We need to use the sacrament of reconciliation often. We must desire to please God in every way we can. We need to strive to enhance daily our personal relationship with the living God (Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit) this is the absolute most important thing we can do, everything else is secondary. "Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near." (Isa. 55:6).
Day 39 Pure God's Marine!
"To defend his purity, St Francis rolled in the snow, St. Bernard plunged into an icy pond . . You . . what have you done?" --St. Escriva
As God’s Marines you should know that you are weak in the area of sexuality. It is God’s Grace that will make you strong. God grace to not look at the pictures or talk to the woman who is trying to lead you down the wrong path. Running may be your best option. I have noticed that playing stupid may be a good option when someone is coming on to you. You have to be willing to avoid the near occasions of sin. That means if the computer is your weakness you must put it in a public place, restrict your access to only business then get off. Idle hands/time is the devil’s plaything. When you are bored do not be around a temptation. Pray instead. Cold shower instead. If you fall Confession!
Day 40 The Next Step:
As One of God’s Marines you should be always on the look out to help other’s as you have been helped. Introduce them to the website, tell them the spiritual benefits you have received. Your individual story and heart is the key to raising an Army of God’s Marines. They will be made one at a time just like yourself. Keep up the Great Work!
If you found out about the group by yourself and were not invited by a "Big Brother” then you will be a "Big Brother" of a Four Men group. Your first mission will be to find three other members of your group and after fully formed will reach out once every two months to see how the other members are doing. You make sure the team stays together and that none is lost. “Never Leave a Soul Behind” especially includes your Four Men prayer group brothers. If your not a big brother, do not worry as a brother is just as essential to the team. You will be praying and sacrificing everyday for your group's paralytics and also you will share your experiences in the faith with your fellow brothers when the bimonthly email comes through. Together your group will be invincible to the onslaughts of the devil in the Name of Jesus!
Congratulations you made it!
Email [email protected] to receive your certificate and to be officially a God's Marine. PRAISE JESUS!
Always remember to “Never Leave a Soul Behind”
Your brother forever, Brian
Keep up the Great Work!
Semper Christos!
Always Christ!
God's Marines Motto!
"This devotion to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of My Mother will restore faith and hope to broken hearts and to ruined families; it will help to repair the destruction; it will sweeten sorrow. It will be a new strength for My Church, bringing souls, not only to confidence in My Heart, but also to abandonment to the Sorrowful Heart of My Mother." (Our Lord to Berthe Petit)
"I look around at all who are on earth, to see if by chance there are any who pity me, and meditate upon my sorrows; and I find that there are very few. Therefore, my daughter, though I am forgotten by many, at least do thou not forget me; consider my anguish, and imitate, as far as thou canst, my grief."(Our Lady to St. Bridget)
"My daughter, tears shed for My Passion are dear to Me; but as I love My Mother Mary with an immense love, the meditation of the torments which she endured at My death is even more agreeable to Me."(Jesus to Blessed Veronica da Binasco)
I do recommend you also pray the Seven Dolors at other times as well to get more graces for you and yours.
Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary Pray for us!
Day 22 The History of the Second Four Men Prayer Group
“Four friends doing what friends do, help each other. The best way to be a friend is to bring a friend to Jesus, the True friend of us all.”
“An inspiration came to me that many four men prayer groups should be formed to bring souls to Jesus just like the first four men prayer group. These prayer groups would not only help save paralytics souls through prayer and sacrifice they would also save their own.”
Day 23 You Have Not Chosen Me: but I Have Chosen You.
(John 15:16)
God has chosen you! He has Appointed You!
Bring forth fruit that will last forever!
The Fruit is Souls. We must bring souls to Jesus so that they will last with us in heaven forever.
How can we do that?
We must offer prayers and sacrifices for the salvation of souls especially our paralytics everyday.
Day 24 Our Sword (The Word of God)
“Our one desire for all the Church's children is that, being saturated with the Bible, they may arrive at the all surpassing knowledge of Jesus Christ.” Pope Benedict XV
If you do not use the Sword it is useless. You must pick up the Sword (The Word of God) everyday and use it. You will never regret it and will ever rejoice in the time spent getting to know Jesus through His inspired Word.
Day 25 “My name is Jesus just like yours” (Through the Eyes of Jesus by Alan Ames extract)
“Read Scripture daily, pray often, and ask God for the strength to live as He asks you to, and you will find My words will be with you always,” I explained.
“If living a good life means a little suffering then you should know that this suffering will be rewarded when you come to heaven, but if you live a life of self with little suffering on this earth, you will find a different reward awaiting you in eternity. Make God the center of your life and do what would please God, not what pleases man, and then you will be rewarded with eternal joy in heaven.”
Day 26 For whom are we to Pray? Great Sinners for who knows the depths of God's Mercy. (Purgatory Explained Extract by Fr. Schouppe)
"Who then knows the extent of God's mercy ? Who knows the depth
of the ocean, or how much water is contained therein ?
Much will be forgiven to those who have sinned through
“No limit to the grace of God is placed here below; while there remains a spark of life there is nothing which it cannot effect in the soul. Therefore we must ever hope and petition God with humble persistency.”
Let us not think that God delights in our pains; the Lord is not of so cruel a nature as to be delighted to see us, his creatures, groan and suffer. He is a God of infinite goodness, who desires to see us fully content and happy, so that he is full of sweetness, affability, and compassion to all who come to him. But our unhappy condition, as sinners, and the gratitude we owe to the love of Jesus Christ, require that, for his love, we should renounce the delights of this earth, and embrace with affection the cross which he gives us to carry during this life, after him who goes before, bearing a cross far heavier than ours; and all this in order to bring us, after our death, to a blessed life, which will never end.
Day 28 Conversion of Nazis (Extract from the Shadow of His Wings by Fr. Goldmann)
“More important than these material gifts was the fact that these Sisters prayed for the conversion of the prisoners. Day and night they prayed before the Blessed Sacrament for the conversion of the Nazis, not only the Sisters in Midelt, but also those in another convent. Soon we had a dozen convents in North Africa praying and making sacrifices for our camp. In the face of such storming of heaven, many men lost all resistance, expelled the unbelief and paganism of the Nazi credo from their hearts, and accepted belief in God; after some months of prodding they came to confession and received their second First Holy Communion.”
Day 29 Keep up the Great Work!
If this is not a great work what is! Great in the sense that the work lasts forever. Great in the sense that it is an infinitly good thing to help someone save their soul. Great in the honor, Great in the Glory, Great in every sense of the word Great. Any work for God is great but there are degrees of holiness to which the work entails. This work is the Greatest. The work of bringing souls to Jesus.
Day 30 The Power of Fasting and Sacrifice
"Fasting is better than prayer." (Saint Clement)
I recommend you fast if you can without major health deficiencies at least once a week from 6am-1pm. I also fast on bread and water once a month for my wife as a member of
and excellent website to teach the power of fasting. I have fasted for my wife over five years and she has come much closer to the Lord I believe through the power of fasting. Fasting is powerful!
Keep up the Great Work using the Power of Fasting and Sacrifice!
Day 31 Jesus' Favorites, (Extract from Devotion to the Dying by Ven. Mary Potter)
“Yes! We may well speak confidently to God, since in offering the Precious Blood, we have more than paid the debt of our own sins; in one sense we indeed owe God nothing-----Jesus has more than paid for us-----we offer Jesus in satisfaction for our sins; we offer the Eternal Father Infinite satisfaction for finite sin. Ah, then, let us plead with the good God Who so loves the bold prayer, Who so loves the charity that prompts it. Ah, what will not charity do? What can it not do? Let us fill our hearts full of that dear, dear virtue.”
Let us with bold confidence bring our paralytics to Jesus for their healing, conversion, and salvation and thus become Jesus' favorites. Bold confidence in His Love and Mercy.
Day 32 Victory is to “Love your Enemies”
To “Love Your Enemy” is to find it in your heart to put aside any wrongs, and to love them as a child of God and see them as our brothers and sisters who were created by the same Father in Heaven and for whom Jesus Himself gave up His life on the cross.
So my brothers, love your enemy because those who deserve love least, need it most. Hate not your enemy, life is too short for hate; and think of no revenge, and if you want to take any revenge at all, remember that the noblest revenge is to forgive and to love.
Evil can only be overcome with love. Let us forgive and pray for our brothers and sisters who trespass against us for the Glory of God and the salvation of their souls and our own.
Day 33 True Devotion to Our Mother Mary
As God’s Marines are Mission is to Bring Souls to Jesus. We have learned that to do that we must bring ourselves to Jesus as well. There is no better way to bring ourselves to Jesus than through Mary Our Heavenly Mother.
“We are given reason to believe that, towards the end of time and perhaps sooner than we expect, God will raise up people filled with the Holy Spirit and imbued with the spirit of Mary. Through them Mary, Queen most powerful, will work great wonders in the world, destroying sin and setting up the kingdom of Jesus her Son upon the RUINS of the corrupt kingdom which is this great earthly Babylon. (Rev. 18:20) These holy people will accomplish this by means of this very devotion, of which I have only traced the main outlines. It suffers from my incompetence.” St. Louis De. Montfort
Day 34 Our Strength (The Bread of Life)
My brothers we should hunger to receive Our Lord in Communion, everyday if possible, so many Graces are there for the asking. The Great Sacrifice of Calvary is being offered near to you. “The graces, blessings and favors granted to those who assist at this Divine Sacrifice are beyond all comprehension. The Mass is the greatest wonder in the world. There is nothing on Earth equal to it, and there is nothing in Heaven greater than it. The Mass is the same as the Sacrifice of Calvary. In every Mass the Blood of Jesus is shed for us again.” (Wonders of the Mass by Fr. Paul O’Sullivan pgs 8-9)
Receiving Our Strength(The Bread of Life) everyday will make you strong in the Lord.
Day 35 Our Best Friend (The Holy Spirit)
What a joy it would be to them if at night when they awaken, and sometimes when they remain awake for hours at a time, they spoke lovingly to Him and enjoyed His presence.
And again how consoling for the sick, when suffering and alone, if they felt that the Holy Ghost Himself was really and truly with them. They never perhaps heard of this beautiful doctrine.”
What to do my brothers? Never forget your Best friend. It is important to talk with your Best Friend, spend time with Him, ask Him for the greatest gift He can give you. The gift of Holy Love for with the Gift of Love we can obtain all else besides.
Day 36 Our Peace (Confession)
St. Francis de Sales said, “Go to your confessor; open your heart to him; display to him all the recesses of your soul; take the advice that he will give you with the utmost humility and simplicity. For God, Who has an infinite love for obedience, frequently renders profitable the counsels we take from others, but especially from those who are the guides of our souls."
So, my brothers go to confession often, if you can at least once a month and meet the God of Mercy and obtain pardon.
Day 37 Peace, Faith, Hope, & Love = Four Friends
Peace, Faith, Hope, and Love, the paralytics four friends jumped into action and did the impossible. When you have peace of mind, you can think clearly. When you have faith, all things are possible. When you have hope, you can make things happen. And when you have love, love conquers all. And conquer they did, for Jesus, after watching the four men slowly lower their friend from the publican's roof, where they had made a hole to lower the paralytic. Jesus saw their Peace of heart, Faith, Hope, and Love, and told the paralytic, rise and walk, your sins are forgiven.
Day 38 The Need for Ongoing Conversion
"We have no right to rest as long as a single soul is satan's slave." (St. Maximillian Kolbe)
My brothers, seeking God and our salvation does not end at the time of our conversions or when we finish the Four Men Boot Camp, but continues throughout our lives. We must try to get to know and love God each day more and more. We need to ask for all the graces necessary for our state in life to love HIM with all of heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love our neighbor as ourselves. We need to do the Will of Our Father in Heaven. He wills for all of us to be saved. We must acquire a hatred for sin. and pray for the graces necessary to avoid sin. We need to use the sacrament of reconciliation often. We must desire to please God in every way we can. We need to strive to enhance daily our personal relationship with the living God (Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit) this is the absolute most important thing we can do, everything else is secondary. "Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near." (Isa. 55:6).
Day 39 Pure God's Marine!
"To defend his purity, St Francis rolled in the snow, St. Bernard plunged into an icy pond . . You . . what have you done?" --St. Escriva
As God’s Marines you should know that you are weak in the area of sexuality. It is God’s Grace that will make you strong. God grace to not look at the pictures or talk to the woman who is trying to lead you down the wrong path. Running may be your best option. I have noticed that playing stupid may be a good option when someone is coming on to you. You have to be willing to avoid the near occasions of sin. That means if the computer is your weakness you must put it in a public place, restrict your access to only business then get off. Idle hands/time is the devil’s plaything. When you are bored do not be around a temptation. Pray instead. Cold shower instead. If you fall Confession!
Day 40 The Next Step:
As One of God’s Marines you should be always on the look out to help other’s as you have been helped. Introduce them to the website, tell them the spiritual benefits you have received. Your individual story and heart is the key to raising an Army of God’s Marines. They will be made one at a time just like yourself. Keep up the Great Work!
If you found out about the group by yourself and were not invited by a "Big Brother” then you will be a "Big Brother" of a Four Men group. Your first mission will be to find three other members of your group and after fully formed will reach out once every two months to see how the other members are doing. You make sure the team stays together and that none is lost. “Never Leave a Soul Behind” especially includes your Four Men prayer group brothers. If your not a big brother, do not worry as a brother is just as essential to the team. You will be praying and sacrificing everyday for your group's paralytics and also you will share your experiences in the faith with your fellow brothers when the bimonthly email comes through. Together your group will be invincible to the onslaughts of the devil in the Name of Jesus!
Congratulations you made it!
Email [email protected] to receive your certificate and to be officially a God's Marine. PRAISE JESUS!
Always remember to “Never Leave a Soul Behind”
Your brother forever, Brian
Keep up the Great Work!
Semper Christos!
Always Christ!
God's Marines Motto!